Saturday, September 21, 2013

Skin Diaries Week 3

I think I spoke too soon last week...about the oiliness, anyway. This week I have been pretty crazy oily. =( 

But the good news is...No cystic zits yet...yay! Although my forehead is pretty congested and I did wake up this morning with a small is not a crazy gross ginormous zit. I should be about to start my period...hopefully, lol, which is probably why the small zit has appeared.

My skin is really smooth, but super flaky and red from the retin-a micro. I am hoping my skin will learn to tolerate it better. I have these annoying bumps under my skin from previous cysts that take FOREVER to go away.

But so far, so good. I am starting to feel better about my skin...and have even worn my hair up a few times (I usually wear it down to hide my cheeks >_<) 

The scarring and hyperpigmentation on my left cheek is almost coverable by concealer and foundation now...before, nothing would cover it and trying to would just make it look horribly obvious. 

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