Friday, September 13, 2013

Skin Diaries - Week 2

Yesterday was the 2 week mark on Spironolactone 50mg a day. I have started splitting my dose and find that the side effects are much easier to deal with. Which is good Just wow. I have not had a single cystic zit pop up this week. This is unheard of for me, I always have at least 1 painful cyst on my face either brewing or in full awesome to go a week of having no active breakouts is a miracle.

The Retin-A Micro is doing some wonderful things as well. I have started to use it every night, but buffer it with my Paulas Choice Resist Toner and Resist Ultra-Light Antioxident Serum (meaning I put these two products on first, followed by the Retin-A Micro). The buffering keeps my skin from getting all irritated and red, but the peeling effect is not all that diminished, which I believe is a good thing. I want my skin to continue peeling for a good little while, to speed up the healing process of the old acne marks. 

My skin is much smoother due to the RAM use. I am finding I am using less foundation and the product is not falling to my crater-pores...which, and this may be a little preemptive and wishful thinking but...I *think* they might be getting a tiny bit smaller. I think my oil production has decreased a little bit too, as when I blot now (after 5-6 hours...used to be every 2-3 hours) I am not filling up an entire sheet anymore. Also, my makeup still looks decent after blotting and not like it just melted into every crevice on my face. I am still pretty oily, but I would be okay if it remains as it is now. It is manageable oiliness, at last!

As for the spotting-- It only lasted a day and was over, so that was good.

You know it is starting to look up when your boyfriend (boys, bless them, never notice anything *_*) comments to you that your skin is looking really good. Yeah, that happened today. TOTALLY made my day, not gonna lie.

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