So, I haven't updated in forever and a day. What can I say, the change was crazy slow and a blow by blow was pretty pointless.
I stopped using Retin-A micro pretty shortly after my last post (maybe 6 weeks or so of use?). I am still taking Spironolactone at the 100mg dose. I'm going to touch on a few things I've noticed since I began taking it in September of last year (so a solid 7 months).
The Good:
Reduced oil production within the first few weeks. This was HUGE for me as I was the oiliest of all oil slicks. Makeup would melt off and look like crap within the first hour or two. It was a huge issue trying to cover acne and scarring with makeup that wouldn't even stay on my face. I am now happy to report that my skin is what I would consider "normal" neither oily nor dry. It's such a beautiful thing.
My hair is less greasy and I no longer get terrible "dandruff" and itchy scalp. Kind of goes hand in hand with the oil production. Oil causes a type of fungus to grow (how freaking gross is that) and causes a type of sclerosis to develop. No more!!!!
My sweat is no longer pungent and I don't sweat as much as I used to. Sorry, this might be TMI, but I wish I had known about this side effect because it is amazing. I used to be VERY self conscious about sweating because deodorant-antiperspirant wouldn't even touch it. I could NEVER wear clothing twice. I was so paranoid about my boyfriend getting anywhere near my pits, even when I hadn't been sweating. Now I smell fresh all day. You don't realize how freakin bad it was until it's gone and it's something I would have taken this stuff for all on its own. So YAY for not being smelly.
Completely cleared forehead acne and cystic acne after a few months. Completely cleared "bacne" too.
Boobs are a little bigger. hehe
The Bad:
Increased "spider" veins and other visible veins on legs. I've done a lot of research on this issue, because I wasn't POSITIVE it was the Spiro causing it. Spiro doesn't cause this directly, HOWEVER, changes in hormones CAN, especially if you are already genetically pre-disposed for them. So that's why things like birth control pills and pregnancy can cause these to pop up.
Has not been a complete cure for my acne, yet. In saying that, I haven't had a terrible cyst since maybe the first month of starting Spiro. I still have a little acne here and there, especially around that time of the month, but it's no where near as bad as it used to be. I'm pretty sure if I upped my dose it would probably take care of it completely, but at the moment I don't have insurance and can't really afford double.
Increased frequency of urination. This did get better after a few months, though.
Period can be super wonky. Sometimes it'll be almost 2 months before I get it. I dunno. I kind of look at this as a good/bad/yay bonus! type of thing, lol. Haven't had too many issues with spotting.
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